Bella Lucia (2012) – romantic suspense
My S.E.D. Label (2012) – psychological drama
Mr. Shipley’s Governess (2014) – inspirational romance
What genre(s) of book do you write?
I’ve written in three different genres. My two favorite genres are romantic suspense and inspirational romance. I am interested in working on a fantasy novel at some point. I like keeping my writing and technique fresh by trying new styles.
What inspired you to write your first book?
Bella Lucia is a romantic suspense novel, but the themes of infertility and adoption play a part in the storyline. This was a personal story for me since my husband and I have dealt with similar issues. I also enjoy reading suspense novels so it was fun adding a suspense plotline as well.
How long did it take you to write “Mr. Shipley’s Governess”?
At the time of writing Mr. Shipley’s Governess and my other novels, I was working full time and did not have many hours to devote to writing. So, it took about 1 year to write each book and run it through a series of edits. I now co-own a marketing company and have more time to devote to writing.
What is the working title of your next book(s)?
My current work in progress is entitled, Innocence Reborn. It’s a mystery / police procedural novel. I started this book many years ago, but put it on the back burner to focus on other projects. I’m looking forward to finishing this novel. It is the first book in a series.
When and why did you begin writing?
I began writing when I was 17 years old, but went on a long journey before I became published. In one of my high school English classes, my teacher brought a love for reading and writing to his students. I’ve always had a desire to start writing since I was younger, but didn’t try my hand at it until that year. I’ve learned so much about writing along the way and continue to desire to better my writing.
Do you self publish your books or go through an agency?
Bella Lucia is published with Astraea Press and my other two books are self-published. I am keeping my options open and am looking to publish future works with another publisher and also self-publish other books.
What part of writing books do you find the hardest?
The hardest thing is letting go of my book once it’s completed and has gone through the editing process. I hope that it’s the best that I can do and am always thinking maybe I could’ve written it even better. Maybe I’m too much of a perfectionist and don’t know when to let go.
What do you do in your spare time?
My husband and I enjoy going to the movies. We both like spending time outdoors and sightseeing. I have 7 nieces and 7 nephews and my husband and I love to spend time with them. Reading is another pastime I enjoy.
Who is your favourite author?
My two favorite contemporary authors are Karen Kingsbury and Anne K. Albert. My favorite literary author is Jane Austen.
What’s your favourite genre to read?
I like to read romance as well as mystery novels.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Following your heart is vital. Be true to yourself and write from your heart. Learn to accept constructive criticism and always work to become a better writer. Network with other authors, as critique partners, and learn to help promote each other. Accept the fact that self-promotion comes with the territory if you’re in this field. Whether you write articles or books, continue to write…even if you’re not seeing immediate success. Perseverance will win out in the long run.
About the author
Joanne Troppello is an author of inspirational and romantic suspense novels. She and her husband are Network Marketing Coaches and owners of Mustard Seed Marketing Group, LLC. They have several active blogs and readers are encouraged to visit their Author's Corner Blog, a place for authors and readers to connect. They host various blog parties throughout the year and many guest authors stop by to meet with readers.